
Terms & Conditions

Educational groups eligible for free entry

English Heritage offers free education visits at English Heritage sites to a wide range of learners. To qualify the visit must (a) be booked at least 7 days in advance, (b) include clearly defined learning objectives, planned and structured learning activities and (c) be led by the group leader. Bookings for Discovery Visits must be made at least 14 days in advance. All bookings are subject to availability. The following learning groups are entitled to free entry at all English Heritage sites:

  • Formal education groups including schools, colleges of further and higher education and universities, including overseas formal education groups;
  • Lifelong learner groups including the Workers’ Educational Association, University of the Third Age and local authority classes;
  • Organised youth education groups including Scouts, Cubs, Guides, Brownies and similar youth groups such as the Young Archaeologists’ Club;
  • Groups of children, youths or adults with special learning needs or disabilities, gifted and talented children, mentoring services attached to a formal learning organisation (please let us know of any specific needs or ways that we could make your visit more effective when booking);
  • Home educators who are members of an umbrella group and other home educator groups at our discretion; and
  • National Trust Learning Group members.

Groups not eligible for free entry

Any groups that arrange visits through a commercial operator or do not meet the criteria outlined above will not be eligible for free entry, including but not limited to:

  • Tour and coach operators;
  • Organisers of study holidays or summer schools arranged on a commercial basis between educational organisations, universities and holiday organisations;
  • Third parties who profit from organising visits for education groups;
  • Organisations bringing groups of adults on leisure visits, such as Women’s Institutes, local amenity groups and student societies;
  • Groups wishing to use outside providers such as tour guides, artists and theatre groups;
  • English as a Foreign Language (EFL) groups and language schools;
  • Child-minding services and holiday clubs and camps;

Groups of 11 or more visitors who are paying together but do not qualify for a free educational visits are eligible for a 15% discount on entry (10% at Stonehenge) - English Heritage members, coach drivers and tour guides do not count towards the group total. Each coach is entitled to free entry for one tour guide and the coach driver. Group bookings information can be found on: Click here.

The free education visits entry scheme does not cover entry on bank holiday weekends, public holidays or to additional fee paying public events at English Heritage sites.

If you are unsure if your group qualifies for a free educational visit under these terms and conditions or you have any further queries, please contact the Education Bookings Team on 0370 333 0606 or email:

Group leader responsibilities

  • You must book any standard free educational visit at least 7 days in advance and book 14 days in advance for Discovery Visits.
  • Bookings must contain the contact details of the person who will be leading the group on the day of the visit. We are not able to accept bookings from commercial tour operators, language schools or similar groups booking on behalf of schools.
  • It is the responsibility of all group leaders to complete the risk assessment for their group, Free planning visits once bookings are confirmed and online Hazard Information Sheets and Organiser Packs are available to assist with this requirement.
  • It is recommended that the group leader undertake a free pre-planning visit to familiarise themselves with site.
  • Have clear learning objectives related to the site being visited and planned learning activities for the visit.
  • Please arrive on time. Contact the Education Bookings Team on 0370 333 0606 or email if you need to change the time of arrival, cancel the visit or if you are unavoidably delayed. In the case of a delayed arrival you can also contact the site directly; you will find their number at the top of your Visit Permit.
  • The education visit permit must be presented upon arrival at the site
  • You must take full responsibility for the behaviour and welfare of the group for the duration of the visit. All signage and safety warnings on the property must be obeyed, site staff should be treated with respect and any requests they make acted upon appropriately.
  • Groups must have adequate adult supervision on site at all times. Some sites have additional supervision ratios and/or capacity limitations within certain buildings and areas around the site; these will be outlined in your booking information and must be adhered to at all times. This is to ensure compliance with health and safety guidelines and for the enjoyment of all visitors to our sites. Please inform the Education Bookings Team at least a week prior to your visit if you intend to bring more adults than you originally booked for. If you do not, any additional adults may be required to pay the entrance fee.
  • You must meet the following ratios of leaders to learners:
    Year 2 and under......................................................1 leader for every 6 students (1:6)
    Years 3 to 5..................................................................1 leader for every 8 students (1:8)
    Years 6 and over (up to the age of 18)...1 leader for every 15 students (1:15)
    For an adult learning group, there are no ratios but there must be an appointed group leader.


In the event of severe weather conditions it is possible that sites may have to close at short notice for public safety; please contact the site or check the English Heritage website before travelling.

If you need to cancel your visit, please contact the Education Bookings Team on 0370 333 0606 or email Full costs will be charged for Discovery Visits if cancelled less than two weeks before the intended visit.

Other terms and conditions

  • By booking a free educational visit you agree to accept these terms and conditions of entry.
  • You may be asked to supply proof of status and details of the organisation you belong to or the educational work planned on site.
  • If we believe for any reason that a booking has been made in breach of these terms and conditions we reserve the right in our absolute discretion to refuse free admittance and charge the standard full entry price.
  • These terms and conditions and all disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with the same shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England.

Create An Account

Organisation Lookup

The lookup will search against the English Heritage registered schools database.

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Forgot Password

We'll email you with a link to reset your password. Please enter the email address used to register with English Heritage and we'll contact you shortly.

Alternatively, for assistance please call our Education Bookings Team on 0370 333 0606

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Password Reset

Please create a new password that is 7 characters in length and contains at least one letter and one number.

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Select Organisation

Organisation Lookup

If you do not find your organisation listed please click the add new button.

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Add New

Organisation Details

Organisation Details
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Your Details

Your Details

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Contact Prefereces

Your support is helping to keep the story of England alive at over 400 historic sites accross the country. We'd love to keep in touch with you about things to see and do, exclusive offers, our latest work, appeals and how your support makes a difference. We will never share your details with anyone else to use for their purposes. You can change your mind at any time.
Please let us know how you would like to hear from us.

We respect your privacy and for full details see our Privacy Policy.

The password must be a minimum of 7 characters containing both numbers and letters.
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  Captcha Code

You've Registered Successfully

Thank you for registering with English Heritage. An email has now been sent to the email address you provided. To continue planning your visit, please click the link provided within that email to confirm your registration.

To begin planning your educational visit please login using the details that you registered with.

Click here to go back to the English Heritage Learn page

If you would like to receive more information about what English Heritage Education can offer you, please sign up to our newsletter or follow us on Twitter.

Arrange Your Visit

Where Do You Want To Go?
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Your contact preferences need reviewing
Please check that your contact preferences are correct.
Required Fields *
When Do You Want To Visit?

Future opening dates and times are released at the start of each new school year

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<March 2025>

Please note: Your booking is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email and booking permit from us. Booking requests made less than 14 days in advance regretfully will not be accepted. We aim to be in touch within 3 working days. Please email us if you have any queries or issues using our online booking portal.

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Confirmation of site you plan to visit

Information about the chosen site here

Additional Information about the chosen site here

Focus of your visit

To ensure that you are eligible for an educational visit, please outline in detail:

  • The learning objectives for the visit
  • The educational activities being undertaken on site
  • The pre and post visit activities
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Reason for your visit

Please include clear learning objectives in 20 words or more. Explaining how your group will be engaging with the site you are visiting and what learning activities will be carried out before, during or after your visit. mandatory field

Minimum number of words required: 20


English Heritage requests this information to allow us to provide the best education experiences at our sites. Without sufficient details your group may not be validated for a free education visit.

Who is Coming?

English Heritage Education required ratios:

  • Ages 4-5 (UK Reception) 1 leader for every 4 students (1:4)
  • Ages 5-7 (UK Key Stage 1) 1 leader for every 6 students (1:6)
  • Ages 7-11 (UK Key Stage 2) 1 leader for every 10 students (1:10) and
  • Ages 11-18 (UK Key Stages 3, 4, and 5) 1 leader for every 15 students (1:15)
  • For an adult learning group, consisting of individuals all over the age of 18, there are no ratios but there must be an appointed group leader
  • All ratios outlined above apply to home education groups
  • If your group consists of children aged 3 and/or 4, you must also refer to the Early Years and Foundation Stage Statutory Framework which sets out specific legal requirements for minimum ratios for this age group, to include requirements about the qualifications of the leader
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Booking Summary

Confirm your details

Please find below a summary of your booking request for you to review. If you are happy to submit your provisional request, please click submit.

Please note that if you have requested a resource that requires payment, this will be invoiced after the visit.

Site Name


Booking Summary

Please note that this visit has only been provisionally booked, you will receive confirmation within 3 working days.

Year Level:
Number of Leaders:
Number of Learners:
Group Leader:
Special Needs:
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Enquiry Success

Thank you for your booking enquiry with English Heritage. An e-mail has now been sent to the e-mail address you provided.
Return to English Heritage Learn page

Make Another Request

Important Information on Booking your Education Visit

  • Please make sure you read all the information on this page before making a booking
  • In order to process your enquiry as quickly as possible, please ensure you have the following information ready; visit arrival and departure time, age range of the group, subject(s) to be studied, learning objective, number of leaders and learners in the group, name of trip organiser, name of trip leader, details of any SEND requirements, mobile telephone number for group leader
  • To check eligibility for a free education visit, please read our Terms and Conditions.
  • Please note that bookings must be made at least 14 days in advance.
  • Your booking is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email and booking permit from us. Booking requests made less than 14 days in advance regretfully will not be accepted.
  • If you need to cancel your education booking, please do so at least 14 days before your visit and using the form on this page. If you do not notify us of your cancellation using this form, we won't be able to process it and it may mean that you will still be charged (if charges apply)

We look forward to welcoming you to our sites soon. Don’t forget to check out our wide range of free downloadable resources to help support your learning. Whether you're visiting on a free self-led visit, one of our Discovery Visit workshops, or just looking for more information on a particular topic, our resources are packed full of site histories, activity ideas, images, sources and much more.

Please email us if you have any queries or issues using our online booking portal.

Welcome to English Heritage Education

Education bookings online will allow you to see what is on offer at your chosen English Heritage site and place a booking request to be confirmed with our Education Bookings Team.

New to the education booking system? Create an account now.

Please login below using the details that you registered with.


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